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Press releases

The City of Edmundston towards an ecological transition

Apr 22, 2022

The City of Edmundston towards an ecological transition

Since 2020, the City of Edmundston has been one of Earth Day Canada’s municipal partners, committed to an ecological transition. Earth Day is celebrated on April 22nd of each year. More than 115 proactive municipalities across Canada are taking part in this ecological transition in order to provide a healthier environment for their citizens.

According to Earth Day Canada: “By 2050, two-thirds of the world's population will live in cities and urban centres. The impacts of climate change are experienced, felt and observed at the local level, putting cities at the forefront of the fight. Local governments are best placed to have a real understanding of the needs of their communities. Their structures make it easier to adapt to the specific contexts of the localities and to put in place action plans responding to different realities, with rapid and concrete commitments. As we face the urgency to act in the face of the environmental crisis, our cities and towns will play a leading role in the ambitious ecological transition underway.

Many actions have been taken by the City of Edmundston to limit the municipality's ecological footprint. Mayor of Edmundston, Mr. Eric Marquis, says he is confident to continue this transition in all municipal services: “The City of Edmundston and its services have always been proactive in terms of sustainable development. The City's Municipal Plan reflects this trend and we will continue to innovate in this direction. »

Among other things, the municipality's police station, built in 2011, is a green and inclusive building. The Police Force also plans to purchase hybrid vehicles for the patrol fleet. Fire & Safety Department has purchased rechargeable equipment, including jaws of life, chainsaws, reciprocating saws and battery-powered grinders.

Edmundston Energy recently purchased a hybrid vehicle for the meter reading employee. In addition, the electrical department is currently working to diversify its energy sources, following feasibility studies which have demonstrated the potential to increase renewable energy production while reducing greenhouse gases.

The Public Works Department relies heavily on the importance of proper recycling. Every summer, students are hired as Green Patrol officers. Their role is to identify issues related to recycling and above all, to educate citizens on the best practices to adopt. They also organize Q & A sessions on Facebook Live, so people can ask specific questions about recyclables, hazardous products and composting. “No Mow May” movement has carved a place for itself in the municipality’s annual calendar, which has identified sites where lawns grow throughout the month of May. Inspired by surrounding communities and with the collaboration of a citizens' committee, City of Edmundston’s Green Spaces Team encouraged citizens to put away their mowers in May. The response is really impressive.

More recently, the City of Edmundston, with the municipal council's support, recently recognized the year 2022 as the Year of the Garden.

To learn more about the initiatives related to Earth Day 2022 and the municipalities involved, please consult:

Have a great Earth Day!


CONTACT: Annie Dancause, Communications, City of Edmundston,, 506.739.2085

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