Public works

The Edmundston Public Works Department is responsible for overseeing a number of services which have a direct impact on the quality of life of Edmundston residents. These services include infrastructure planning, properties and buildings, road maintenance, green spaces and environment, as well as water and sewage.

winter operations


Want to find out more about our snow removal operations? Or you're curious about where our snow plows are headed? You're at the right place! Keep in mind this is a pilot project for areas serviced by our Public Works department. Snow removal in the Saint-Basile and Rivière-Verte sectors is provided by a private contractor.

Click on one of the icons below.

TravPublics_OperationsHiver_Bout_Streets.png TravPublics_OperationsHiver_Bout_Sidewalks.png

annual watermain flushing program

Every summer, the Public Works Department starts its annual watermain flushing program. 

You may notice a slight discolouration and reduction in water pressure while crews are flushing near your home (Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 pm). Your water service should not be interrupted.  If you have no water or no water pressure, after a few hours, please contact Public Works Department at 506-739-2103 or

What to do?

We recommend avoiding doing loads of white laundry on these days between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. We recommend checking around your neighbourhood for water in the roadway to see if crews are in your immediate area. Out of an abundance of caution, we recommend waiting until the following day to do laundry to avoid any discolouration or staining. If you have no water pressure, please notify Public Works Department at 506-739-2103.

Why does the municipality do this type of cleaning?

Flushing of pipes and fire hydrants is required to maintain water quality. The scouring effect of high velocity water helps to clean the interior of the pipes, flushing the accumulated sediments out of the system, removing stale water, and restoring chlorine residual. The City has an annual flushing program, which is carried out in the spring when there is extra water available. Since water mains are sized to allow adequate and safe flows for fire protection, water is typically moving through the underground pipes at less than 1 km/hr. This slow movement allows mineral deposits to accumulate in pipes over time. The build-up can restrict water flow in the pipes and contribute to corrosion and water colour problems. Periodic flushing removes these mineral deposits and is critical to maintain water quality as well as the water system.

Flushing progress
What to do if my water changes colour?

Should black or brown coloured water appear, do not be alarmed. It is recommended you do not use the water or do laundry. Run cold water for a few minutes in your bathtub to make sure it becomes crystal clear. You can then use it again. If the water does not return to normal after a few hours, please notify the Public Works Department by calling 506-739-2103, 24 hours a day.

public roadways

Our road division is responsible for the maintenance of 209 kilometers of roads and streets, 54 km of sidewalks and the stormwater sewer network. Our operations are divided into three phases, namely winter, spring and summer operations. Each season has its own particularities and is accompanied by its transition period, which allows us to get our necessary equipment ready for the next phase.

In winter, a team is designated to make sure our streets are safe. During this season, we oversee snow clearing and removal, as well as applying abrasive materials and fixing potholes. We also take care of different maintenance operations, and repairs.

When spring comes around and the weather cooperates, we start the spring cleaning operations, which can take anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks. We also clean the streets, sidewalks, parks and municipal parking lots and we take out our benches and start landscaping.

In the summer, our operations expand. We work on repairing asphalt (trenches, potholes, sidewalk edging), storm sewer maintenance, road signage, with three different components: street signs, street marking and traffic lights. We continuously clean the streets, our parks and our water and sewer networks as well as maintaining gravel roads and smaller infrastructure work.

water and sewage

In Edmundston, we are fortunate to have a superior quality of drinking water with little need for treatment. Thanks to our crude water supplies, the City can offer its residents pure and clean drinking water.

Citizens who are on the City's water supply receive their drinking water from natural wells which are fed by groundwater. Water distribution is done through a network which brings water to the entire area. Since the water coming from this supply is of such high quality, treatment is limited to an injection of chlorine to insure bacteria control, as well as the use of zinc phosphate to control corrosion of our network. Moreover, daily follow-ups of our reservoirs, our wells and water quality are done according to the NB Environment Department standards.

The water and sewer division of the City also oversees the installation and maintenance of water meters for residences and businesses. This program insures the sound management of the population's water consumption to help us maintain our water supply.

Sewer collection is done through an underground network which sends waste to our wastewater treatment plants, through pumping stations. This is another important step to meet strict Environment Department standards. A maintenance and repair team is in place to insure the network is in good working order. This team also oversees maintenance of fire hydrants.

For more information, visit our Useful Links page and look up "Water and Sewage".

water meters

To make sure that consumers only pay for the water they use, all new consumers within the city’s limits have a water meter. These meters constitute an essential element of the aqueduct network. Your meter is inside your house, generally in the basement on an exterior wall. We take manual readings of your meter every three months by means of the black box located outside your house. We are responsible for the installation, maintenance and checking of more than 1400 meters in the municipality.

The municipality of Edmundston collaborates with consumers with the intention of detecting and resolving water utilization problems. Water consumption readings are taken monthly for large water consumers. These monthly readings give large water consumers a more detailed water consumption statement, and in this way, identify possible leaks.

Whether you are a residential or a commercial consumer, there are many possibilities for you to reduce your water consumption. Various suggestions to this effect are in the section: Let us save the water! If you are the owner of a single family dwelling and you want to have a water meter installed in your house, call 739-2103. There is no charge and you could save water and money.

green spaces

The City of Edmundston, with the help of the members of its Green Spaces Advisory Board, and its Urban Forestry Committee, oversees the development and maintenance of its network of green spaces. In respect of our Tree Policy, planning objectives for our green spaces are linked to urban forestry, management, development and maintenance of our network of green spaces (Administrative Policy #25), the management of our tree nursery and our composting site, the development of an urban cycling corridor, the purchase and sale of municipal properties, maintenance of our walking trail network (Le Prospecteur) and the installation and maintenance of street furniture. (Administrative Policy #26).

committees and collaborations

Executive Committee Jardin Botanique NB



Water is essential to life. The City of Edmundston is determined to manage this resource responsibly while ensuring its quality and durability. Interventions will thus seek to protect potable water sources and manage consumption.


The air that we breathe affects both our health and our overall quality of life. Besides, a sizeable portion of air emissions contributions to climate change. To address this ensure, the City of Edmundston wants to put in place measures to create a more pleasant life environment while curbing our contribution to climate change.


Our society consumes large amounts of energy, whether from fossil fuels or electricity. Producing and utilizing these types of energy produces greenhouse gases, can reduce the quality of our air and generate other types of pollution. The City of Edmundston wants to improve its energy performance and provide the community with the necessary tools to make its energy consumption more efficient.

waste management

From the manufacturing process to their burial as waste, the goods we consume require the use of natural resources and create different types of pollution. If our goal is to conserve our environment, we should choose as harmless and eco-efficient products as possible. The City of Edmundston is determined to lower its consumption-related impact by implementing measures and programs that encourage the community and the municipal organization to become responsible consumers.


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