Winter operations



Where is the plow? Look no further!

Here is a geographic web application that allows you to follow the course of real-time snow removal operations in the sectors maintained by the Edmundston Public Works Department.


Since this is a pilot project, the tool only applies to the areas served by the Public Works Department. Keep in mind that snow removal in the Saint-Basile and Rivière-Verte sectors is provided by a private contractor.


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The application allows you to see the current location of the snow removal equipment that works in your neighbourhood and also gives a history of the road sections maintained by the various equipment during the last 24 hours, according to time intervals defined at the bottom of the map.

You’ll be able to follow the progress of winter operations in your area in real time and even get information about the different routes of operation


The application can be opened from a computer, tablet or smartphone. Please make sure your web browsers and operating systems are up-to-date because the app only supports the latest versions. Some devices / browsers may not support the application. It’s impossible to support all of them.


1. How to navigate and background map

When the application opens, a map appears. To navigate the map, you can use the + and - buttons to zoom in or out to see more or less detail. To zoom in, it's also possible to use both your fingers if you're using a tablet or mobile device that allows touch interaction. Just move your fingers to zoom in, and move your fingers closer to zoom out. It is also possible to move the map in two ways (touch - slide a finger in the desired direction on the screen or by using the mouse while holding down the left mouse button and dragging in the desired direction (a small hand icon will appear).


To enhance user experience, you can choose one of three background map sources;

  1. OSM = Open Street Map
  2. Map = Google Maps
  3. Satellite = aerial or satellite image


2. How to interpret the interactive map

When the application is opened, the snow clearing equipment movement data is automatically refreshed. Once the app is open, vehicles and trip history are updated every minute for the last 24-hour cycle from the time shown at the bottom right hand of the app.

a. Equipment / vehicles: The vehicles are equipped with GPS that transmit the approximate location of the equipment every minute. A particular icon represents each category of vehicle. You can also see the vehicle unit number above the icon. When two or more vehicles are in the same location, the number of vehicles will be displayed with an orange circle as indicated. When a vehicle is traveling, a square around the vehicle number will be displayed in green. When a vehicle is stopped, its last stop position is the one displayed on the map.


The position reported by GPS is approximate and may be imprecise at times. Communication may be interrupted at time, which can create random (multipath) lines. You can click on a vehicle and you will be informed of the distance between this vehicle and your location (as the crow flies).


b. Route History: The application has a 24-hour history of all equipment passes on city roads. The four time slots shown below represent equipment movement. Note that ALL vehicle passages are shown whether the snow plow is up or down. The last minutes of travel will be illustrated in purple. White arrows indicate the direction of travel.


c. Your location: In order to better orient yourself on the map of the city of Edmundston, your location is displayed on the map. If the location feature is enabled on your browser or smart device, you can easily see your location by this symbol:



This information is populated by an automatic vehicle location system and is provided as a public service by the City of Edmundston. The City does not guarantee that all the information is current or accurate.

Users should verify the source information before making decisions. Although every effort is made to ensure the information is accurate and complete, the City does not guarantee its integrity.

The use of this website is subject to the following terms and conditions and constitutes the user’s agreement to those terms and conditions. Information on this website is provided by the City of Edmundston solely for the user’s information and it is provided without warranty, guarantee, or responsibility of any kind, either expressed or implied.

The City of Edmundston and its employees will not be liable for any loss or damages of any nature, either or direct or indirect, arising from the use of the information provided on this website.

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