
on the way to our goal! we need 220 roofs! (january 2025)


Housing needs

In 2022-2023, the City completed a study on housing needs for the entire community.

Over 2,500 new housing units will be required over the next 20 years to meet the needs of residents.

CLICK HERE to view the study summary.

Click below to view the full study.

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Housing Acceleration Fund

In March 2024, the City of Edmundston secured an investment of $4 million to stimulate the supply of 220 new housing units over the next 3 years, of which a minimum of 14.45% of units will be affordable housing. 

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The funding comes from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation's (CMHC) Housing Acceleration Fund (HAF), a $4 billion initiative that provides financial support to local governments to accelerate the construction of new housing units. Edmundston's action plan commits to eight initiatives presented in the following section.

You can read the CMHC press release by CLICKING HERE




Action plan initiatives to accelerate housing construction

Summary CMHC
(available soon)

  1. Improving the powers of the Planning Advisory Committee - Simplifying the approval process for apartment building projects.
  2. Zoning by-law amendments - Adjustments to allocate housing units and addition of more affordable housing typologies, such as mini-homes.
  3. Model buildings - Develop and adopt model buildings whose plans would be available free of charge and pre-approved (by right) for a given area.
  4. Revision of the building permit process - Revision of the permit management system to make applications available online and simplify internal control.
  5. Land disposal and reserve fund - Modify the land disposal policy to give priority to housing in the type of project solicited for land put out to tender, and create a municipal reserve fund to be used for the acquisition of strategic land suitable for housing.
  6. Creation of a new incentive for the construction of new HAF housing units - Create a financial incentive for new units built during the program period.
  7. Communication and marketing plan geared to external developers - - Develop a communications and marketing plan that will publicize all the means put in place by the City of Edmundston to encourage the construction of new housing units. Approach outside real estate promoters to help them discover our city and its attractions, but above all, our housing needs, investment opportunities, target clientele, etc.
  8. Surplus government property - Develop a program to facilitate the conversion of government land and buildings for housing construction as a priority.



What's coming up...

Check this page regularly for upcoming events. 

Reference documents:
*you can click on the following links

- New zoning by-law 33R2024

- Fact sheets explaining the various zonings 

- Interactive zoning map

Municipal declaration on access to housing

- Presentation made at the September 17, 2024, public meeting of City Council (presentation is French)

-October 31st, 2024 Housing Information Session presentation


Isabelle Laplante                                                                       Senior Coordinator, Economic Development and Housing




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